Running barefoot better than with shoes [jordan fusion]

Barefoot running can be beneficial while heavily cushioned running shoes may be leaving the foot prone to injury, according to a US sports medicine expert.

Irene Davis of Harvard University has been studying both barefoot running and minimal footwear running,Some will stick with the old faithfuls like the air max tn while others will look for the more stylish shoes like the Changa or the Tataga which uses a type of running shoe almost like a glove for the foot, but with a thin layer of rubber on the bottom.

These shoes give the foot its full range of natural movement, but protect the sole from stones or extreme surface temperatures.

Davis,A noble woman can have nothing but prada men sneakers which can make them look more elegant and attractive. a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and a Catherine Worthingham Fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association, said cushioned running shoes encourage runners to land hard on the heel at the end of each stride.

"When you land on your heel you end up with a very quick rise to peak in the force that your body experiences. That completely goes away when you run barefoot because you land on the ball of your foot," said Davis.

Davis and co-authors tested their theories by looking at Kenyan runners.

"We wanted to find if people who had never worn shoes before demonstrated the same kind of running pattern," said Davis.

"We felt that was a better indication of how we were naturally meant to run because these individuals had never worn shoes. When we tested (the runners) in Kenya,Sheepskin shoes has managed to capture or become the pioneer into every imaginable sporting industry we found exactly those same kinds of mechanics. They don't land on their heels, they land with a very gentle forefoot strike pattern," she said.
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